Bob Thomas Ford Inc

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Signs Your Transmission Needs Serviced

Signs Your Transmission Needs Service | Hamden, CT


Every car needs regular maintenance to run properly. Your vehicle’s transmission is vital to its functioning, so keep an eye out for these five that your car’s transmission needs attention from our service center.

Strange Smells

When transmission fluid leaks, it can sizzle on your car’s engine and result in a distinct smell, one different than burning engine oil. It smells like burning rubber. This smell could also mean that your car’s transmission fluid is dirty, which can also lead to damage.

Leaking Transmission Fluid

Low transmission fluid levels can cause major damage to your vehicle, so if you see bright red fluid on the ground, it’s time to bring your car in for sservice. Leaks can come from many sources, such as a loose bolt, a cracked gasket, or damaged tubing.

Cloudy Transmission Fluid

Even if the fluid isn’t leaking, your transmission can still have problems. You should check the fluid with a dipstick and look for cloudy, particle-filled, or burnt fluid, in which case it’s time for new fluid. Have it flushed at our service center.

Shifting Shakily

Your car’s transmission should provide a smooth ride most of the time. You may need to refill your transmission fluid, or even replace it completely if your car starts shaking or jerking during gear shifts.

Problems Shifting Gears

With a healthy transmission, your car should easily slide into gear. Transmission troubles can make it difficult to put your car into drive or reverse. Furthermore, if your car is taking longer to accelerate than usual, the transmission may not be relaying power properly. If your vehicle takes a long time to coast or display an RPM over 3500, then it could be failing to switch gears. Any of these issues means it’s time to get your car inspected by a pro.

At Bob Thomas Ford, we can handle all of your transmission troubles.


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